Tuxedo WSL JSL Ports
Ports allocation for Application Server Domain:
Ports required for WSL and WSHs:
The number of ports required are 1 + [Max Handlers] where [Max Handlers] is the maximum number of workstation handlers configured. The algorithm used to start a WSH is a random port available after the port for WSL. On higher releases, the system automatically sets the range, starting from [WSL_port] + 1. Any port between 1025 and 65536 (both inclusive) is valid for WSL.
Ports required for JSL and JSHs:
The number of ports required are 1 + [Max Handlers] where [Max Handlers] is the maximum number of jolt handlers configured. The algorithm used to start a jolt handler is the first port available after the port for JSL. There's no need to force the range, it's automatic. Any port between 0 and 65535 is valid for JSL.