Understanding Compare reports status in peoplesoft

Understanding Compare reports status in peoplesoft

Determining Definition Status

PeopleSoft Application Designer defines the status of a definition in the source and the target database.


Definition has not been compared. This is the default status for all definitions inserted manually into a project and the permanent status of all non-comparison definitions.


The definition was found in the other database, but not in this one. When upgrading to a new PeopleSoft release, all new PeopleSoft definitions should have Absent status in the target database and all of your custom definitions should have Absent in the source database.


The definition has been compared, the LASTUPDOPRID value is PPLSOFT, and the LASTUPDDTM value is greater than the date/time stamp of the comparison release database. This indicates that PeopleSoft modified the definition since the comparison release.


The definition has been compared, the LASTUPDOPRID value is PPLSOFT, and the LASTUPDDTM value is less than or equal to the date/time stamp of the comparison release database. This indicates that PeopleSoft modified the definition prior to the comparison release.


The definition has been compared, the LASTUPDOPRID value is not PPLSOFT, and the LASTUPDDTM value is greater than the date/time stamp of the comparison release database. This indicates that a customer modified the definition since the comparison release.


The definition has been compared, the LASTUPDOPRID value is not PPLSOFT, and the LASTUPDDTM value is less than or equal to the date/time stamp of the comparison release database. This indicates that a customer modified the definition prior to the comparison release.


The definition has been compared and is defined the same in both databases. When a definition in one database has this status its counterpart in the other database will have the equivalent status. This status can be seen when performing a project comparison because with a project comparison the definitions are static; the project is not repopulated based on the comparison results. This status is not seen in a database comparison, because when doing so the project is populated only with definitions defined differently.

Note. Compare by release date is determined by finding the highest release label in common between the source and target databases. PSRELASE.RELEASELABEL column is searched on both source and target to find the latest common value between the two. Then PSRELEASE.PSRELEASEDTTM for that label is used for compare by release date for the source and target, respectively. You can override this value to set a different release label, or specific compare by date, on the Upgrade Options interface. Only common release labels (found on both source and target PSRELEASE table) can be used.

- Ganesh A.M