Clean/remove all IPC resources used by the BEA Tuxedo system

IPC resources are operating system resources, such as message queues, shared memory, and semaphores. When an application server shuts down properly all IPC resources used are removed from the system. In some cases, however, an application server may fail to shut down properly and stray IPC resources may remain on the system. When this happens, it may not be possible to reboot the application server.

The command to remove IPC resources, tmipcrm, resides in TUXDIR/bin. This command reads the binary configuration file (TUXCONFIG), and attaches to the bulletin board using the information in this file.

To list all IPC resources

"tmipcrm -n [TUXCONFIG]" (Ex. tmipcrm -n D:\PS\appserv\PSDEMO\PSTUXCFG)

To Clean/remove all IPC resources used by the BEA Tuxedo system

Application Server Command
tmipcrm -y /apps/psoft/pt844/appserv/PSDEMO/PSTUXCFG

Process Scheduler Command
tmipcrm -y /apps/psoft/pt844/appserv/prcs/PSDEMO/PSTUXCFG

This will remove the IPC resources associated that particular domain…