Mass Photo upload process in Peoplesoft

Process to upload the Photos/Pictures in to Peoplesoft

The following code can be used to upload the pictures/Photo of the employees in to Peoplesoft system easily.

/* This code loads the employee photo into the record EMPL_PHOTO record where filename photo will emplid. */

&REC = CreateRecord(Record.EMPL_PHOTO);

&REC.EMPLID.Value = &EMPLID; /* Emplid is retrived from sql */

/* Load the photo into an attachment record. This converts it to a blob. We use a chunk size large enough so that the whole image will be placed in one row. If chunk size is not modifed there will be mulitple rows in the for a single file in the record PSFILE_ATTDET with incrmenting sequence numbers. */
&Result = PutAttachment("record://PSFILE_ATTDET", &EMPLID | ".txt", &FILE_NAME);

/* Retrieve the blob from the file attachment record and put it in the record object and delete the row from the file attach record */


/* Set the version to seconds from year 2000 */
&REC.PSIMAGEVER.Value = (Days365(Date3(1999, 12, 31), %Date) * 86400) + (%Time - Time3(0, 0, 0));

/* Run and insert and update in case the record exist*/

Note :- Before execution of this code the MAXCHUNKSIZE field in the PSOPTIONS (Peoplesoft Options should be set to the Max size of the photo file.

You can handle this in code as well by updating the max value to this field and begin of this code.

At the end of the process you can replace the original value back.
/* Restore the default chunk size */


Coverage end date in Benefit Enrollment

Coverage End date (COVERAGE_END_DT) in Benefit Enrollment tables.

The Coverage End Date is a legacy field from a very early release of PeopleSoft that is no longer used.  It is not populated by any online or batch process.

A new row inserted into the Health Benefit Enrollment with Coverage Elect of 'W' for Waive and 'T' for Terminated could indicated end of coverage and the Coverage Begin Date along with the Effective Date are used to identify the date coverage ended.
  When you insert a new Coverage Begin Date, the prior coverage is assumed to be ended the day before.

For example,

Single Coverage, Effective 1/1/2009
Family Coverage, Effective 3/1/2009 (assumed single coverage ended on 2/28/09)


How to change the file name of the BI report

How to change the file name of the BI/XML report in Peoplesoft?

In the report definition object set the value in the OutDestination Property using in the Set/Get methods. This field contains the full of the the file name of the generated report.

Report file by default will be the name of the Report ID used.
property OutDestination find and replace the ReportID value in the OutDestination. OutDestination - It contains the absolute path where report file has to be created not just the file name.

When Bursting option is selected on the field to create separate files then value of the bursting field will be file name.


Find References in Peoplesoft.

How does find references work ?
How does find references search in Peoplecode ?

When ever you save an people code in a event and saved ,it parse the peoplecode and convert it in to binary format and store in the PROGTXT field of the PSPCMPROG. At the same time for every People soft object referred in People code there will be a row inserted in to the record PSPCMNAME. It stores information about the Peoplecode that refer particular object.
When find references for an object is requested it query this table to find the result.

It would have been better if peoplesoft extend this functionality to Application Packages, Message catalog , functions. It will be very useful for the developer to find the references to find these elements usage in different Peoplecode.


SQL to find the locked objects

SQL to find the locked objects in the database.

select b.object_name,a.session_id,a.oracle_username,os_user_name ,
locked_mode from v$locked_object a, all_objects b where a.object_id = b.object_id order by b.object_name;


Useful SQR links


Bulk Insert - AE SQL Action Property - When to use it

Bulk Insert - As the property name indicate this property is indication that SQL is doing Bulk data insert. This property is for Insert statements. When this property is enable buffering of the rows to be into the record. Buffering of the rows to be inserted will have considerable performance improvement in the Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, and DB2 Database.

This property should be set when INSERT SQL is called multiple times in the absence of intervening COMMITs.

PeopleSoft Application Engine ignores the Bulk Insert setting in the following situations:

1) SQL is other than an INSERT/VALUES statement that inserts one row at a time. For
instance, the following statements would be ignored: INSERT/SELECT, UPDATE, or
2) SQL does not have a VALUES CLAUSE.
3) SQL does not have a field list before the VALUES clause.


When to use ReUse - SQL Action Property

Most of the databases has have SQL statement caching for performance improvement of the SQL execution.

This means that every time they receive SQL, they compare it against their cache of previously executed statements to see if they have seen it before. If so, they can reuse the old query plan. This works only if the SQL text matches exactly. This is unlikely with literals instead of bind variables. I,e SQL match will not consider standard bind parameters during the matching process.
Advantage of this is Database need not complie & create execution plan for every exectution and just re-use the existing one.

When to use it
1) When we AE program has Do Select/Do while / Do unitl looping construncts and you need to run the same SQL step mulitple times. It can be used even the same sql statments are present in different steps as well.
2) Use ReUse only if you do not use Bind variables for column names.
3) Use ReUse only if you have no %BINDs for Field names , Record names & logic condition.
if you have Bind for the column,Record name which will not change across multiple execution of the sql. i,e Bind value for the column , record name is same to make use of the ReUse
COMPRATE value can change for every execution.
4) To re-prepare a ReUsed statement from scratch, because one of the static binds has
changed and the SQL has to reflect that, use %ClearCursor.



Handling CI without going to NoSuccess !!

Often we Come across a situation where in our program goes to No Success (one of the Reason can be Wrong Prompt Record Value) , if don't handle CI code properly in Application Engine, and we usually end up doing cosmetic changes like using Execute Edits ,SQL exec to resolve the issue, which often increases the CI time, below are the Tips/Step if followed can handle the CI Programs Efficiently.

The following are some important things to remember about CI behavior in AE programs.

1. When running inside of an AE program, a CI's Save() call will not actually commit the data to the database. The commits are under the AE's control. Therefore, if there is a problem with invalid data in a CI property, everything will be rolled back to the previous committed transaction.

2. Required fields in a CI that use a prompt table and have a default value appear to behave in a peculiar way. If an invalid value is entered for the field, the system will change the value to the default value, roll back the rows to the previously committed transaction, and then commit this row to the database. It is a good practice to write errors (such as CI errors) to a log file so that you can go back later and re-enter the record correctly.

3. When a CI fails due to invalid data open cursors are sometimes closed or are left in an invalid state, and subsequent calls to these cursors cause the AE to abend. Testing and debugging help determine what the appropriate solution might be. For example, in some cases the solution may be to ensure that your cursors are open before doing the next fetch (if appropriate). At other times (where the cursor is in an invalid state) you'll need to fetch the rows into an array of records first, and then process them using the CI. This is because even thought the cursor is open (IsOpen call returns true), it is unusable.


To work around the above issues, do the following.

1. Use CommitWork() calls at appropriate intervals (every row or a set number of rows). Remember that to use CommitWork(), (a) "restart" must be disabled; and (b) don't use CallAppEngine() to call the AE program.

2. In the event of a CI error, perform (a) or (b) below.

(a) Check to see if your cursors are open, and if they're not, open them (if appropriate) before doing your next fetch. The following PeopleCode snippet shows an example of how this can be done.

If Not &MYSQL.IsOpen Then



(b) If the cursor is still open but unusable, then you'll need to fetch the rows into an array of records first, and then process them using the CI.

3. Write errors to a log file.

The basic steps (using 2b to fetch the records into an array) would be as follows.

1. Disable restart (and not use CallAppEngine() to call AE)

2. Use a single step of People Code instead of a DoSelect

3. Fetch the records into an array of records and close the cursor

4. Run a For loop calling the CI for all the records in the record array.

5. Do a CommitWork() call after calling save() on the CI for every row (or several rows if performance may be an issue).

6. Do a cancel() call on each row (CI instance) after you called save() and CommitWork()

Warning; If the CommitWork() function is used, you will have to develop a plan in how to handle if your program aborts and may have data half committed.


Saving Time With Custom Navigation Collection And Pagelet

When we are working on PIA we often feel that we are visiting the same areas within the system regularly.
So to make our life easier we can create a Pagelet based on a custom Navigation Collection containing our often used components. This greatly reduces the number of clicks required for day-to-day work and could be really useful for end users.

Point to be noted : Nothing shown here requires the Enterprise Portal product.

I will just explain this with an example -

Creating the Navigation Collection

First, let’s create the Navigation Collection. You can have whatever menus/components you want in your collection.

Go to PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Utilities > Navigation Collections Add a Collection with an appropriate Name and Description Click Add Folder Select Menu Folder, from the Employee Portal. Use the prompt to locate the folder to add, click the plus folder next to a high level menu to expand it and choose a child menu. Highlight the top level, and click Add Folder again. Repeat the process until you have added all your folders.
We can also add links directly to the Components we used most often, like Process Monitor, and moved them to the top of the list. Click Save (and remember the name of your new Collection). Publishing the Navigation Collection as a Pagelet Go to PeopleTools > Portal > Pagelet Wizard > Pagelet Wizard Add a New Pagelet and fill out the Title etc Choose a Data Type of Navigation Collection Choose a Portal of Employee and prompt to find your Navigation Collection. We normally reduce the Max Child Links to 5. I choose the Menu layout. I set the ‘Parent Images’ = Small, Turn off ‘Parent Descriptions’ and set the ‘Child Display Type’ = Simple List.

On the final page, check HomePage Pagelet, choose a folder, and set the security required.

That’s your Pagelet done. Now add it to your Homepage.
Adding a Pagelet to your Homepage From the PIA Homepage, select the ‘Personalize Content’ link. Place a Check in the Checkbox next to the Pagelet you want, then click Save. Click the Personalize Layout link. Select whether you want a 2 or 3 column layout, and move the new Pagelet to the column you wish it to appear in, click Save.

Thats how you can create your own Custom Navigation Collection and Pagelet.


How to Implement Record level Audit in Peoplesoft

Record level auditing allows you to have separate audit tables dedicated to one database record.

Below are the steps to turn on record level auditing

1) Clone the record you wish to edit
2) Add the audit fields: (Key Fields)
And make sure you check off the "system maintained" check mark on the record field properties
3) Delete fields that won’t be audited
4) Remove all key structures
5) Save and build the record
6) Link the base record to the audit record
Open- original record definition
Now all of your changes for that record will be tracked in the new audit record you just created.


XML Publisher - Dynamic Parameter passing from the Peoplecode

How to pass Dynamic parameter value to XML publisher Template using people code ?
How to pass Dynamic Parameter Value to XML Publisher from the runcontrol page ?

You need to pass these as runtime Properties through PeopleCode. The ReportDefn class has setRuntimeProperties() method that can be used for this purpose. So the PeopleCode behind your page will need to get the values from the page and pass them to the ReportDefn object.

Your PeopleCode will include something like this.

&asPropName = CreateArrayRept("", 0);
&asPropValue = CreateArrayRept("", 0);

You can pass more parameters here

&oRptDefn.SetRuntimeProperties(&asPropName, &asPropValue);
Process and publisher/print your ReptDefn here
In your template, you need to have something like:

Declares the parameter InvThresh
use the Parameter value by prefixing $ to the Parameter Name.
PeopleBooks includes an example on setting Runtime properties. 
PeopleTools passes the following parameters by default:



%TruncateTable and Temprory Tables

%TruncateTable is not just able just to truncate the table. It changes to Delete statement when it is used with the Temporary table When shared base table has been allocated, because no dedicated instances were available. PeopleSoft Application Engine performs a delete by process instance instead of performing a truncate.

You should always use %TruncateTable to perform a mass delete on dedicated temporary tables, especially if the Continue option is in effect.

Even if you have elected to terminate the program if a dedicated table cannot be allocated, you may still use %TruncateTable meta-SQL with dedicated temporary tables. %TruncateTable resolves to either a Truncate or a Delete by process instance, as needed.

The argument of %TruncateTable is a table name instead of a record name. As a result, you must code your SQL as shown in the following example:
