Script to update the Tablespace for all the records in the Project.

Script to update the Tablespace for all the records in the Project. when we import Project in the client instance, we can use this SQL to change the tablespace for all the records at time, rather changing it one by one.



Test third Party webservices integration with PeopleSoft

Test third Party intergration w/ sample Peoplecode

Consume third Party web services.

Download the document for all the steps.


Creating PeopleSoft Mockup Pages Made Easy

Creating a PeopleSoft Mockup page while creating the Functional Design document and Requirement collection process is very important in the PeopleSoft Consulting Projects.

Usually Paint and screen captures are used to create the mock-ups.

Here find the the link to excel document, which has the collection of all the possible images/icons that you need to create easy mock-up pages quickly.

PeopleSoft  Mockup Template

Download the file to view it in the Microsoft Excel.


TraceMagic: Utility for analyzing *.tracesql trace files

TraceMagic is a utility that gives PeopleSoft system administrators, programmers and support engineers the ability to quickly isolate performance bottlenecks in SQL Statements and/or PeopleCode functions. It accomplishes this by turning the text-based, time-ordered tracesql file into a sortable-grid display, allowing the user to quickly locate system performance issues.

TraceMagic is designed primarily to address the difficulty in working with tracesql files when attempting to
determine which SQL statement(s), and or PeopleCode programs are causing performance problems. As such, it tends to assume that certain trace flags were set during the creation of the trace file.


Trace Magic requires Version 4 of the Microsoft Framework. The setup.exe program used to install TraceMagic on an end users machine will
 inspect the target system for the presence of the prerequisite software, and request permission from the installer to download and install the
 required software if needed. TraceMagic has been tested on the following platforms:
  •     Windows XP (32-bit)
  •     Windows 7 (32-bit)
  •     Windows 7 (64-bit)

Other platforms may or may not function correctly with TraceMagic. Platforms that will not run the Microsoft framework will not
likely run TraceMagic.

Download link - Login Required.


PeopleTools 8.52 popup prompts

A new feature in PeopleTools 8.52 are popup modal prompts. These are automatically enabled wherever the PeopleCode PROMPT function is used. You most often see this in Query Manager prompts.

Prompt("Enter EMAIL ID" &TLMlbx1Str, "",TL_MAILBOX_WRK1.EMAIL, "Enter Enter Emailid ",&TLEMAILID);

This prompt similar to PS Query for the Bind parameter but, here it can be used on the regular PeopleSoft Components.


Paperless Office with PeopleSoft Forms & Approval Builder

PeopleSoft applications are helping to make paper and email-based forms a thing of the past so that you will know what was submitted, when it was submitted, and who approved it. We recently released Forms and Approval Builder as a part of Common Components 9.1. Forms and Approval Builder allows you to build electronic forms that are configurable by business analysts, enabled with approval workflows, and immediately deployable and auditable to enable you to replace paper and email-based forms. Forms and Approval Builder is currently available, at no additional charge, to all PeopleSoft 9.1 customers. It was part of the FSCM Feature Pack March 2011, and it is also available in the Enterprise Components 9.1 Common Objects Bundle 1 2011 for use in any PeopleSoft 9.1 Pillar, including, of course, HCM. It does require PeopleTools 8.51.03 or greater.

Form Design

PeopleSoft Forms and Approval Builder enables business analysts to create electronic, routable forms without having to use PeopleSoft Application Designer. A typical form can be designed and in use within 30 minutes and requires no writing of code.

The intuitive wizard guides you step by step through establishing a form. Options include adding instructions to the form, similar to what you would find on the back of a paper form; adding attachments to the form for users to read, submit, or both; and being able to create your own fields on the form. These fields can be plain text, numbers, date and time, yes/no, fields that prompt against existing PeopleSoft records, and code fields. The code field type enables you to build a list of items on the fly that a person who is filling in the form can select from when perusing the drop-down list. You can create these user prompt values in the code fields without having to enter them in a standard PeopleSoft record beforehand.

Main Menu > Forms > Design a Form

Fields can be organized into one or two columns on the page, and every field on the form has the option of being made required to ensure that users thoroughly complete the form.

You specify the location of the form in the PeopleSoft Main Menu through an easy-to-navigate folder hierarchy, and you select the flow of approvers that the form will follow using the approvers from within the Approval Workflow Engine.

There is also the ability to make forms available for limited periods of time.

Efficient and Effective Forms Management for your Organization

Knowing how many of each type of form are in the system and their approval status is essential in monitoring your business processes. PeopleSoft Forms and Approval Builder comes with its own summarization table, enabling you to see at a glance how many forms of each type have been created and how many forms are in each approval status. This central Form Management repository also enables you to activate and deactivate your forms within the system in one place, eliminating the need to go back into the design of each form and activate it.

The ability to find a particular form in an instant is also important in supporting efficient operations. Forms are searchable by subject, form type, priority, due date, and approval status to eliminate the need for searching through piles of paperwork.

Easy to Navigate Forms Available to Your Users When they Need Them

Any given form may be accessed through either the central forms repository or the link you designate for it in within the PeopleSoft Menu navigation. Users open a blank form; enter the required information; download, read, fill in, and upload attachments; and submit their form for approval.

Forms are available to the approver instantly, and approvals are also available as soon as they are granted.

Finally, because the Forms and Approval Builder utilizes the existing infrastructure of the Approval Workflow Engine and the Supplemental Data Framework, your forms and approvals are migrated like all other application data during an upgrade between PeopleSoft Releases.


Delivered EIPs in PeopleSoft across different modules

Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Integration Point (EIP) Diagrams

Following link provides the details of the EIP for different modules in PeopleSoft. It will be handy while integrating modules in PeopleSoft.


PeopleTools Meta Data Tables

We often search for the PeopleSoft Tools Meta Data tables for various reasons.
There are a lot of blog and websites providing these details on the Internet. In this blog  I will only post just consolidate list of them.


PeopleTools 8.52 - Restful Webservices

Hi PeopleTools 8.52 - Support the Restful web services. I was just wondering what is this Restful which generates WADL vs WSDL.

I found some of the interesting post/documents that expain SOAP/WSDL and Restful/WADL.

Document provides the detail differences between the WSDL and they are different from the WSDL 2.0.

WADL and WSDL 2.0 HTTP binding are similar but do have some differences. Each
specification has both its pros and cons. In short, WADL is simple and has limited scope. By
design, WADL is limited to describing HTTP applications and does not address features such
as security. On the other hand, the WSDL 2.0 HTTP binding is more feature rich, at the cost
of increased complexity, yet still lacks a true resource-centric model.
It will be interesting to watch as each of these technologies matures and gains broader