Duplicate row errors in DMS Scripts

Often we get the Duplicate row errors in the DMS Scripts based on the target environment in which import script is executed. Since DMS scripts can run in any target environment we need to handle this error in the DMS Script.

The best know method is IGNORE_DUPS statement in the DMS script
IMPORT {record * } ;

The biggest disadvantage of this statement is it can only be run 'Bootstrap mode' which all the developers may not have access.

Is there way to avoid handle this error wihout running the DMS in the bootstrap mode ?

IMPORT { Record * };

Above statment can be used, it is not an exact replacement for the IGNORE_DUPS but it helps to slove problems in most of the cases.
UPDATE_DUPS - If the key values of the table exists in the target environment then it updates it with new values and insert the new rows in the .dat file.


Invoking the Remote call from AE/CI Process

In PT 8.4x you need to follow a certain sequence prior to invoking the PushButton field. The basics on calling COBOL from AE/CI PeopleCode is as follows. Note that "tweaking" may be necessary to get it to work.

1. AE (Application Engine) needs to have restart disabled in order to use CommitWork() to force a commit to the DB of the CI data.
2. Set the CI's properties, except for the "Pushbutton" field (usually Y/N) used to kick off COBOL.
3. Save the CI (call Save()).
4. If Save is successful, call CommitWork().
5. Set the CI pushbutton property (toggle it) to trigger the COBOL process.
6. COBOL will run asynchronously. So you usually need to put a dummy loop to wait until it's done processing to avoid having the next CI record "bump" into COBOL or in case you need to perform some post COBOL processing of the record.


Action value combinations of the Job data

Action Combination/ Action Paris - Reverse Action for each action.

Action - LOA – Leave of Absence , LWP – Leave with Pay

Reverse Action RFL – Return from

LTD – Long Term Disability with Pay , LTO – Long Term Disability
STO – Short Term Disability , STD – Short Term Disability with Pay

- Reverse Action

RFD – Return from Disability

Action Reverse Action
SWB – Short Work Break - RFW – Return from Short Work Break

Action Reverse Action
LOF – Layoff REC – Recall from Layoff

Action Reverse Action
TAS – Create Temporary Assignment RFA – Return from Temporary Assignment

These are the actions that will create and stop the special temporary assignment relationship that puts the original instance in a suspended status while the person works on a temporary assignment.

Action Reverse Action
SUB – Create Substantive Job - RTS – Return to Substantive Job

These are the actions that will create and stop the special temporary assignment relationship that puts the original instance in a suspended status while the person works on a temporary assignment.



GenerateComponentContentURL / GenerateComponentPortalURL return NULL / Blank

PeopleTools > Portal > Node Definitions

The Base URI (e.g. http://www.myserver.com/psp/mysite/) is only available automatically in the context of a web server. If a process is not signed in via the web (e.g. Application Engine), the Node definition specified in the function is checked for that Base URI. Open the Node Definition (PeopleTools > Portal > Node Definitions) and enter the Content URI (.../psc/...) and Portal URI (.../psp/...) on the Portal page. These are used by the GenerateComponentContentURL and GenerateComponentPortalURL functions, respectively. By default these fields are empty.


Suppressing Automatic Lookups for Improved Performance

Prompt table Exclusion List in Peoplesoft.
Improve prompt table performance in Peoplesoft

Many fields in PeopleSoft applications has lookup or prompts tables indicated by the magnifying glass. When you click on that icon you are taken to a lookup dialogue, but by default
the search fires automatically

However, in peoplesoft only the first 300 rows are retrieved into the component buffer, and only the first 100 rows of that set are shown on the first page. These results are almost certainly
useless to the operator who must then enter criteria into the lookup search dialogue and search again.

If we can suppress the automatic search performance of the prompt will improve. User can search the data after providing the search values and no.of rows returned will less and more usefull to the user.

Question is how can we suppress this ? from 8.44 peoplesoft has provided the Prompt table Exclusion List.

Peopletools >Utilites > Administration > Lookup Exclusion Table.

The tables in this list are stored in the Application server cache.
You don't have to restart any application servers before the behaviour of the lookup to change.

You should should for those prompt which usually takes more time.

The following query will identify all the records that are used as look-up records within a PeopleSoft system.

FROM pspnlfield p
, psrecfielddb f
, psrecdefn r
WHERE p.fieldname = f.fieldname
AND p.recname = f.recname
AND r.recname = f.edittable


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Useful Navigations of AWE Workflows components

Setup and configure workflow

1) Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Common Definitions > Approvals > Register Transaction ----- Create Approval Process ID (Cross refernce table , Header table , App class ,Approval compoent is defined).

2) Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Common Definitions > Approvals > Setup Process Definitions ----Create Definiation ID for the Process ID, Definaiton Criteria ,Stages ,paths ,steps

3) Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Common Definitions > Approvals > Configure Transaction ----- Add Events and notifications to transaction.

4) Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Common Definitions > Approvals > Workflow Transaction ----- Register workflow transactions.

5) Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Common Definitions > Approvals > Maintain User Lists ------ Define the user list or hierarchy used for routing transactions for approval.

6) Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Common Definitions > Approvals > Generic Templates ------ Maintain email templates.

7)Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Common Definitions >Selfserivce > System workflow rules ------ Workflow rule for speicfic SETID.

Approvals and Delegation

1) Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Self Service Transactions > Add Delegation Request ----- Add a new delegation request on behalf of a delegator.

2) Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Self Service Transactions > Administer Delegation ----- Admin for the Delegation. Admin can delegate the transactions .

3) Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Self Service Transactions > Administer/Monitor Apporavals ----- AWE admin for the Approvals. Admin can apporve transactions.

4)Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Self Service Transactions > Approvals Audit Report ----- Apporvals Audit Report.

Delegation setup

1)Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Common Definitions > Delegation > Installation settings ----- Configure AWE Admin Role , Enable Hierarcies , Duration to check for active proxies

2)Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Common Definitions > Delegation > Configure Delegation Transactions ----- Configure Delegation Transaction.


%UpdateStats is not working or it is Ignored

PeopleSoft Application Engine replaces this meta-SQL construct with a platform-dependent SQL statement that updates the system catalog tables used by the database optimizer in choosing optimal query plans.
Peoplesoft intends that you use this construct after your
program has inserted large amounts of data into a temporary table that will be deleted before the end of the program run.

For databases that either execute an implicit commit for %UpdateStats or require a commit before and/or after this meta-SQL, PeopleSoft Application Engine skips %UpdateStats in the following circumstances:
• A commit is not allowed, as in within an Application Engine program called from
• The program issues a non-select SQL statement since the last commit occurred. In such a situation, data is likely to have changed.
• You are deferring commits in a select/fetch loop in a restartable program. PeopleSoft Application Engine skips %UpdateStats even if the previous condition is false.


Interview questions on Workflow Delgation framework in peoplesoft

Question # 1: What types of delegations are supported in 9.0?

Answer: The following delegations are supported:.

• Upward - delegating to your manager

• Downward - delegating to your subordinate

• Lateral - delegating to a peer Please note that cascading delegation is NOT supported (see question #2 for more information).

Question # 2: What is a cascading delegation?

Answer: Cascading delegation is the ability to delegate your delegated authority. For example:.

If Antonio delegates the ability to approve absence requests to Owen and Owen accepts the delegation, Owen cannot then re-delegate that same absence request approval authority to Will, Laura, or anyone else in the organization. Once a proxy has accepted a delegation request, he/she cannot delegate that authority to someone else and only the delegator (or the Delegation Administrator on behalf of the delegator) can revoke the request.

Question # 3: Does the application server need to be bounced when changes are made to the Delegation Installation Settings page?

Answer: No, the application server does NOT need to be bounced when changes are made to the Delegation Installation Settings page. Changes are reflected once the page has been saved.

Question # 4: What happens to any pending transactions when a delegation is revoked?

Answer: If there are pending transactions and a delegation is revoked, the pending transactions will be re-routed to the delegator.

Question # 5: How does delegation work with the Alternate User ID field on the User Profile component?

Answer: When new delegation requests are added, the system checks the User Profile - Workflow tab, so see if an Alternate User ID has been specified and if the dates overlap. If the dates overlap, the system will issue a warning to the user. The delegation request will override the User Profile Alternate User ID, but only for the transactions included in the delegation request.

Question # 6: Can a user delegate a transaction that they do not have access to?

Answer: No, a user cannot delegate transactions that they do not have access to. For example, an employee who is not a manager and does not have access to manager-level transactions would not be able to delegate manager specific transactions.

Question # 7: When searching for a proxy by hierarchy can you search up the hierarchy as well as down the hierarchy?

Answer: For any hierarchy chosen, the system will only drill up or down one level and return a set of employees. For example, the system will not show indirect reports or people above the user’s direct manager. This is by design.

Question # 8: What notifications are delivered for delegation?

Answer: The following notification templates are delivered as system data for delegation:

DelegationAccept - Accept Delegation

DelegationAdminAdd - Admin adds Delegation requests

DelegationAdminRevoke - Admin revokes Delegation

DelegationBatch - Batch to send email

DelegationError - Delegation Error

DelegationNotifyAdmin - Delegation Notify Admin

DelegationReject - Reject Delegation

DelegationRequest - Delegation Request

DelegationRevoke - Revoke Delegation

Question # 9: Where can I find all the Delegation related components?


For setting up Delegation, all components may be found at

Main Menu > Setup HRMS > Common Definitions > Delegation > Delegation Setup Center

. Users of these components should be functional analysts and technical implementers. For maintaining Delegation, all components may be found at

Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Self Service Transactions > Approvals and Delegation

. Users of these components should be delegation administrators or functional analysts. The set up and maintenance components for Delegation are located in two distinct areas of the application. It is recommended that delegation administrators be given access to the maintenance components but not the set up components because changes to set up data – inadvertent or otherwise – can impact the entire enterprise. Access to the set up Delegation components should be given to very few people in your organization. For manager and employee self service use of Delegation, the main component used may be found at

Main Menu > Self Service > Manage Delegation

. The Manage Delegation menu is available at the Employee Self Service level because employees (non-managers) may need access to this component to serve as a proxy and manage delegation requests they have received.

Question # 10: Can an inactive employee create a delegation request?

Answer: No. However, if the employee has multiple jobs and one of them is inactive and the other is active, the employee can still create delegation requests. Delegation uses user profiles which are created at the Employee ID level, not the Employee Record level.

Question # 11: Can a proxy initiate a transaction on behalf of him/herself?

Answer: No. In fact, when a proxy logs into the application to initiate a transaction on behalf of his/her manager (delegator), he/she will not be able to select his/her own name to process. This is by design

Question # 12: Can a manager use the Delegation self service UI to select an indirect report as a proxy?

Answer: No. For any hierarchy chosen, the system will only drill up or down one level and return a set of employees. For example, the system will not show indirect reports or people above the user’s direct manager. This is by design to avoid circular delegation.

Question # 13: What is the intended purpose of the Delegation Administrator role?

Answer: At least one person in your organization should be designated a Delegation Administrator. The Delegation Administrator monitors delegation requests and can quickly troubleshoot any requests that have been sitting in someone’s queue for too long. He/she may also create delegation requests on behalf of employees or managers who are absent and do not have access to the application for reasons beyond their control. He/she may also be responsible for reacting to proxies who become inactive or ineligible for whatever reason. It is not intended for the Delegation Administrator to approve each delegation request that is sent.

Question # 14: Can a proxy revoke an already accepted delegation request using the application’s self service UI?

Answer: No. Only the delegator can revoke an accepted delegation request using the application’s self service UI. If a proxy can no longer serve his/her delegator, he/she must contact the delegator and ask him/her to revoke the request If the delegator is no longer available, then the Delegation Administrator can handle revoking the request.

Question #15 : Can a manager assign multiple individuals as a proxy.

Answer: Yes. Each user can assign multiple people as a proxy and each proxy can have one or more transactions delegated to them. For example, as a manager I can delegate direct report Joe as my proxy for ePerformance transactions but delegate Nancy as my proxy for eProfile transactions. However, I cannot delegate the same transaction to more than one proxy.

Question #16 : Can an individual be a proxy for one or more managers?

Answer: Yes. We provide a self service page that provides the proxy with all the information pertinent to their responsibilities (delegation authorities).

Question #17: Can a manager delegate to one or all of his or her departments by role? Answer:

Delegation does not allow you to configure which departments may delegate and by which role. You can however configure which persons a manager may choose from to serve as his/her proxy.