Grant access for a User to perform object migration
How to grant access for a User to perform object migration
To create user who can perform object migration from one environment to another environment, without having write access to the Application Designer objects like record, field, Application Engine, PepleCode etc.
Login to PIA:
Go to Home > People Tools > Maintain Security > Use > open the permission list the user has. Then go to People Tools tab, tick Application Designer Access. You may set different objects permissions to read only if you click the links for Definition Permissions, Tools Permissions, and Miscellaneous Permissions.
You should have "full access" to project.
You can set Build script only or more in Build / Data Admin of Tools permission. Once the user has this permission list, the user should be able to migrate the project and build the project only.
Peoplesoft Server cache and cookies
With Peoplesoft Internet Architecture don't have local cache files on work station. All the cache files are on your Web Server and Application Server.
Web Server CACHE:
If you are using Web Logic as web server: The cache files are under Web Logic/My Server/Public_html/"PIA Instance name"/Cache.
If you are using Apache as web server: The cache files are under Apache Group/Apache/psftdocs/"PIA Instance name"/Cache.
App Server CACHE:
You also need to cache on App server domain which can even corrupt some times.
App server cache is located under your App server Box's PS_HOME/Appserv/"Domain Name"/Cache.
The only cache files on workstation when you use Peoplesoft Internet Architecture are Browser cache and cookies. You can delete browser cache from Internet Options->delete Temporary internet files.
Cookie, it downloads for the first time you signin for each PIA instance and every user you signed in from that work station's Browser. You can check these from Browser->tools->internet options->General Tab->settings Button->View files. You will see different files by name with cookie. The only way to delete them is manually each cookie or all the contents from this directory. Once you delete cookie, you get a new cookie created on browser when you sign back-in
Tuxedo WSL JSL Ports
Ports allocation for Application Server Domain:
Ports required for WSL and WSHs:
The number of ports required are 1 + [Max Handlers] where [Max Handlers] is the maximum number of workstation handlers configured. The algorithm used to start a WSH is a random port available after the port for WSL. On higher releases, the system automatically sets the range, starting from [WSL_port] + 1. Any port between 1025 and 65536 (both inclusive) is valid for WSL.
Ports required for JSL and JSHs:
The number of ports required are 1 + [Max Handlers] where [Max Handlers] is the maximum number of jolt handlers configured. The algorithm used to start a jolt handler is the first port available after the port for JSL. There's no need to force the range, it's automatic. Any port between 0 and 65535 is valid for JSL.
PeopleSoft DBA Interview Questions
- Application Designer
- Customization done in Dev DB, Which tool is used to move it to Prod DB? - Use App Designer -> Copy DB
- What is the difference in logging into App Designer in 2-tier and 3-tier mode?
- How do you compare two projects?
- How do you clear App Designer cache?
- How do you check whether you have logged into 2-tier or 3-tier?
- When logging in “Invalid AccessID and password for signon” pops up. What is the issue?
- Data Mover
- What are the different modes you can login into Data Mover?
- How do you login into BS mode? – DB Access ID