Peoplesoft Dynamic View - With Bind Parameters

How to pass custom Bind parameters in the dynamic sql statements used as prompt table.
Dynamic views and Bind parameters.

When Dynamic is created in the View SQL we can usually place the standard system variables
%Operator ID as Bind parameter. If you want to change view sql like where clause condition or add custom bind values without changing the select fields you can do the following.

Create dynamic record with default view sql statement in it assign it a the prompt table for the field.
In the rowlnit poeplecode event of the RECORD.FIELD add the following peoplecode.

RECORD.FIELD.SqlText = “Select A,B,C From table where A = ” || &Variable ;
When the prompt table look up is performed the latest SQL assigned above will be used.


Peoplesoft Base Benefit Tables

Base Benefit Tables

PS_BEN_PROG_PARTIC - EE Benefit program participation.
PS_BENEFIT_PARTIC - Ben Plan type enrollment control
PS_BENEF_COMMENT - Benefit Comments

Dependent Details table

PS_DEPENDENT_BENEF - View Dependents/Beneficiaries
PS_DEP_BEN - EE Dependents/Beneficiaries
PS_DEP_BEN_EFF - EE Dependents Details EFFDT
PS_DEP_BENEF_VW - EE Dependent Only View
PS_DEP_BEN_ADDR - EE Dependent Address details
PS_BEN_NAME - EE Dependent Name
PS_DEP_BENEF_NID - Dependent / Benef National ID s
PS_DEPENDENT_PHONE - Dependent/Benef Phone Numbers

Health Plan Tables – Plan types – 1%

PS_HEALTH_PLAN_TBL - Health Plan Attributes Table
PS_HEALTH_PLAN_VW - Health Plans types View with its long descr plan type LIKE ‘1%’
PS_HEALTH_PLAN_LNG - Health Plans types view with its long descr lng plan type like ‘1%’

PS_HEALTH_BENEFIT - Health Benefits EE Elections
PS_HEALTH_DEPENDNT - Health Benefits EE Dependent Elections

PS_HEALTH_VW - EE Current Health Elections

Savings Plan Tables – Plan types - 4%

PS_SAVINGS_PLN_TBL -Savings Plan Attributes Table.
PS_SAVINGS_INV_TBL - Describing a specific investment option
Available within a Savings Plan type.
PS_ SAVINGS_PLN_VW -Savings Plan types view with its long description

PS_SAVINGS_PLAN -Savings Plan Enrollment Table.
PS_SAVINGS_BENEFIC -Savings Plan Beneficiaries.
PS_SAVINGS_INVEST -Savings Plan Enrollment Investment option.
PS_SAVINGS_PLAN_VW -Savings Plan Enrollment view

Life Plan Tables – Plan types - 2%

PS_LIFE_ADD_TBL -Life AD/D Ben Plan Parameters
PS_LIFE_PLAN_VW -Life AD/D Plan type views

PS_LIFE_ADD_BEN -EE Life AD/D Benefit Enrollment
PS_LIFE_ADD_BENEFC -EE Life AD/D Beneficiaries
PS_LIFE_VW -EE Current Life AD/D Benefits

FSA Plan Tables – Plan types - 6%

PS_FSA_BENEF_TBL -FSA Benefit Plan Parameters
PS_FSA_PLAN_VW -FSA Plan Type with its long description.

PS_ FSA_BENEFIT -EE FSA Benefit Enrollment View
PS_FSA_BENEFIT_VW -EE FSA Benefit Enrollment View

Retirement Plan Tables – Plan Types – 7%

PS_RTRMNT_PLAN_TBL -Retirement Plan Attributes Table
PS_RTRMNT_PLAN_VW -Retirement Plan types view

PS_RTRMNT_PLAN -EE Retirement Enrollment Table
PS_RTRMNT_VW -EE Current Retirement Benefits

Simple Plan Tables – Plan Types – A%

PS_SIMPLE_BENEFIT - EE Simple Benefits Plans Enrollments
PS_SIMPLE_PLAN_TBL - Plan attributes table.
PS_SIMPLE_PLAN_VW - Simple Plan Types view with long description.

Disability benefit plan table

PS_DISABILITY_BEN EE Disability Ben Enrollments
PS_DISABILITY_VW EE Current Disability Bens


View Menu Security - Check menu secuirty access

Menu Security
Select the level of Object security and Folder visibility for Menu information that you would like to see. Please note that inquiries which return a large amount of rows may take a minute or two.
Object security
Select the level of object security for the menu information that you want to see.
UserID , Permissionlist , Role


Building Search Indexes For Portal Applications

Build Search Index - PORTAL_INDEX

PeopleTools > Portal > Build Registry Search Index
PORTAL_INDEX - is the Application Engine process which creates the search index.
The search index derives keywords from the content reference labels and long descriptions.

Associating Keywords to Content References.
Additional keywords can be assigned to a content reference by adding portal KEYWORD attributes. This is very useful if there are synonym-type keywords that are not mentioned in the title or description; for example, P.O. versus Purchase Order.


Setup for HRMS for Military customers

Following steps to be followed to setup for the military customers / employees

1) Set Up HRMS>Install> Installation Table> Products
check military check.

2)Modify the search views to include the Military ranks
Record MIL_SRCH_SBR - check the alternate key for all fields in the record field properties
which adds 3 new fields in the search page Military Service, Military Rank and Worn Rank
in the modify the person.

3) setup the Event manager registry for updateMilitaryNames handler

SetUp HRMS> System Administration> HCM Event Manager> Event Registry

Event name :- AssignmentMilitaryRankChanged
make this event active.

Confirm that the Handler:UpdateMilitaryNames is Active in the Registered Handlers Tab on the Event Manager – Registry page.

Handler mode:- It should be synchronous.


How to use Verity Search to find applicants using the keywords

Find the resumes applicants based on the keywords.
Search the resumes in peoplesoft.

Recruiting > Administration > Build Applicant Index

An application engine program can be executed to run the Verity search Index to search the applicants.

under the applicants status select the group that needs to be indexed. select the index
C:\tmp for NT and /temp for UNIX scheduler.

execute the process HRS_SRCH_IDX to create the search index in the PS_HOME/data/search/HRS_ResumeText/

If the application servers and process schedulers are on separate boxes then additional steps need to be taken so that the application servers have access the files created under the PS_HOME\data\search\HRS_ResumeText\%DB NAME% directory

These files can be copied to app server as well.

To find the applicants

Recruiting > Find Applicants

In the Resume and Application Search section enter word that you are looking for in the resume in Enter Keywords field.