Tools/Utilites & Applications for Peoplesoft Development.

Productivity tools for the Peoplesoft Development.

1) SQL-Formatter :- The Application engine sql statements invloving are not formatted well for   understanding it.

SQL-formatter comes in handy to format the SQL. It helps in Debuggin ,Review & performance tunning of the complex qurey. - Online formatter. - Offline SQL Formatter.

Pros :- Works with different databases SQL statements.

Cons:- Doesn't recongnize many Peoplesoft Meta-SQL tags. Just replace them with sql function or static values then it works fine.

2) Pace Trace :- Pace-Trace is effectively a viewer for PeopleSoft SQL trace files. It reads a selected trace file and creates a grid that summarizes all the SQL actions contained in the file.

This quick access to trace file information can be used by everyone from business analysts to developers, speeding report design, custom development, and troubleshooting.

Following Trace files generated in different methods can be

1)Trace an entire session - Trace file generated by the entire session. Enabled on the login trace page.
2)Interactive Tracing - Enabled at PeopleTools > Utilities > Debug > Trace SQL.
3)Application Engine trace.
4)COBAL Tracing.
 3) PS Pad editor :- This editor is very much similar to the Ultra edit and Edit plus which many of us know.

What makes it special is for the following reasons.

1) Peoplecode.INI file which is code highligter for the peoplecode like in the application designer - Why do we need this one for ?? Read the next reason.

2) Export to Clipboard as RTF feature (File > Export > Export to Clipboard as RTF) is allow you to copy the peoplecode from the editor with the code highlighter and paste in the word document or email. code highlighter formatting is retained.

3)SQR.INI file is also available for SQR programming.

Check out this link -

for details on how you can use it.
4) Zapgrab 1.0 :- The best , easiest & Free way to capture screens, and paste them into Documents & presentations.

It is very helpful to capture the screens for the Testcase results document , Technical design & Functional design documents.

ZapGrab allows you to capture your screen in two different ways: the whole screen or only a section with a quadrangular form selected by you with the mouse.

Just select the area on the screen and to Cntrl+v.

Cons:- Difficult to capture scrolling window screens.

5) SQR Express :- Developing SQRs Has Never Been So Easy! - In a powerful environment you can edit multiple files with unlimited length, maintain multiple database logins,

navigate in the source-code by clicking procedure-names or inside a treelike program-flow, variables, calls, includes or records.

Cons:- Not a freeware.
Detalied features here.
6) JEdit :- Java based open source editor. Code highligther for SQR available

Pros: - A lot of open source plugins avaliable.
The only free ware text editor with help of plugins can create SQR tree like SQR Express.
Can create own plugins. Create plugins for intellisense.

Cons:- Not the easiest way installing plugins with different versions.